Saturday, July 24, 2021

Yanagawa - A Peaceful Boat Cruise

 In August 2020 I set off with some of my friends to Yanagawa in Fukuoka prefecture. Yanagawa is famous for its eel dishes but we were more interested in exploring the canals of the city. Originally Yanagawa was a farming village, large canals were built for irrigation. Today the area is a famous tourism spot in which tourists can rent a donkobune, a low flat boat navigated via a long pole. The boats are similar to the gondolas seen in Italy. The boat rides cost about 15 euro per person and lasts about 80 minutes.


It took us 1.5 hours to drive there by car. We booked the donkobune ride for 6.30pm, as the sun was coming down. It was very quiet at this time as most tourists visit the area during the day and take the train back to Fukuoka city in the evening. We were extremely lucky as we had the whole canal to ourselves. We brought dinner with us, we made ourselves a karaage bento (fried chicken with boiled rice)

There was a small table in the center of the boat which we used to eat and have a couple of drinks. The captain entered the boat and stood at the back, he navigated the canal by using a large pole. Throughout the ride he pointed out historical parts of the city. At the front was a paper lantern so we could clearly see when the sun went down.


The highlight of the evening was when we passed some waterfront shops which sold snacks, sweet sake and souvenirs. The shops were closing down as it was late in the evening but one of the owners came out to greet us as we passed by. As we went under a wide bridge the captain ducked down and began to sing a traditional song. There is an echo under the bridge so his voice could be clearly heard. Overall the experience was very memorable, if you ever come to Kyushu I'd highly recommend coming here. 

Every March there is a large festival in Yanagawa called the "Ohina-sama Water Parade". During this festival young girls dress up in elaborate kimonos and  ride down the canals. unfortunately due to the corona virus this festival has been cancelled for the 2 years that I have lived here. Hopefully I will experience it in March 2022.

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